Exterior Painting
Exterior Painting
Exterior Painting

Maurer Painting of Boulder, CO. recently completed this exterior painting project on this home located in Boulder. During this process all crew members wore masks and gloves, stayed 6+ feet apart and pretty much never interacted with the clients except to say good morning and when they were leaving in the evening. Additionally Maurer Painting is providing at NO COST to the client external restrooms so none of the crew members ever need to enter the home. ( unless agreed upon by client and crew to potentially have to open windows to paint the interior parts or homeowner opens and closes them on agreed upon times).

Maurer Painting is taking every precaution to ensure the safety of our clients and crew members.

So if you’re looking to update the exterior of your home ( now that the weather is getting better)… Give Maurer Painting a call TODAY to SCHEDULE YOUR FREE ESTIMATE!! 303-817-9420 (estimates can be done with no one home – or with protective masks and gloves and 6+ feet apart or by FaceTime with client and Maurer Painting…

Maurer Painting has been servicing the Boulder, Longmont, Louisville, Lafayette, Erie, Broomfield and Superior areas for 20+ years…


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